
Cold hands, sore arms

It’s the end of week one of the hundred push-up challenge and time for an update. The good news is that I completed everything I was supposed to, so currently on track with it.  If you’re not aware, the hundred push-up challenge is a six week incremental training programme, which should prepare you to complete…

Train in vain

Many of my posts mention the weather. In Britain, talking about the weather is pretty much a given, so we shouldn’t be too surprised with this. I talk about the weather because it’s the main thing I can’t control when planning what workouts I’ll do in the week. Since setting up my site I’ve written…

(Not) Being pushy, an update

I wrote on Friday about the hundred push-up challenge I’d decided to start. Today was day one of the challenge for me so I wanted to give a quick update for the others who have also said they’d take this on with me. The challenge has three workouts each week, my plan is to do…

Edit where edit is due

This week I wrote a post about tempo runs as I was enthused by that training method and the benefits I got from it. I thought I may have written about tempo runs before so not wanting to churn out old stock, well before pen met paper (or rather, fingerprint met microscopically thin laptop keyboard),…

Being pushy again

Push-ups or press-ups? I’d call them press-ups, but overall I think I’m in a massive minority worldwide. Let’s call them push-ups for now and not fret too much over the old potato-potato argument.  Why are we talking push-ups? Many years ago I became aware of the hundred push-ups challenge, a program spanning six weeks that…

Tempo tableau

Autumn is clearly in her final knockings, with leaves torn from trees and mulched into a paste on the pavement; wind whipping up from nowhere to blow all the bins over on bin day; the sun, visible for a few minutes while you hastily get your running kit on, and then disappearing behind thick clouds…


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